Kid’s Valentine’s Day Books

When my oldest son was born my husband and I made a decision, a pact, promise, whatever you want to call it, to read a book to our kids every night before bed. I know a lot of people do this with their kids and I think it is so important for learning, development, imagination, etc! I, personally, am a huge reader, I have been for almost my entire life, I love getting swept into a story. Even if I just get 15 minutes during the day to read, they are usually the most relaxing 15 minutes of my day.

My oldest son is 20 months, so for the last two years, the whole month of December we have read a Christmas book each night with our kids, and it’s been a great way to get into the holiday spirit. I realized there are so many cute children’s books for all the holidays. So, for the month leading up to holiday’s this year I’ve decided instead of reading our normal Pout Pout Fish or Where’s Spot book, we’re going to get into any holiday spirit and read books associated with said holiday, and I’m so excited for this new tradition!

This post is dedicated to some of our favorite Valentine’s Day books for kids! These are some of the books that I’ve found related to Love and Valentine’s Day that we’re currently reading to our kids. I hope you’re able to try some of these books with your own kiddos!

We love this book! Great for non-Valentine’s Day reading as well.

Who doesn’t love a good Sandra Boynton book!

Just ordered this one, such a cute Valentine’s Day book!

Thanks for stopping by!


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