Kid Car Care Kit

I kick myself for not putting together a kid car care kit sooner. This kit has come in handy more times than I can count, not just on long road trips, which my family does quite often, but even just running quick errands around town. I keep a variety of everything my kids might need in an emergency from diapers and wipes, medicine, to all of the snacks. Sometimes errands end up taking a lot longer than I anticipated or I just run out the door in a hurry and forget something. There have been countless times I’ve been out and about with the boys and Levi gets hungry and needs a snack or Brady spits up and I need a burp cloth and having this basket in the back of the car saved me from an utter toddler meltdown.

Here is a list of everything I have included in my car care kit if you feel inspired to do something similar!

Diapers - I keep 3-4 diapers in each of my kids’ sizes stocked at all times

Wipes, all the wipes! - diaper wipes, water wipes, boogie wipes, antibacterial wipes, etc.

Medicine - Motrin and Tylenol

Burp Cloths, I love these Burt’s Bees burp cloths

Hand Sanitizer

Diaper Cream

Snacks - Pouches, fruit bars, Z-bars, goldfish, etc.

Pacifiers for my younger son, whatever ones work for your littles, these are the ones that my son loves

Bags for dirty diapers

Toys/Entertainment - I keep these keys and this musical toy for my youngest and these great reusable sticker books I found on Amazon

Thanks for stopping by!


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